Opportunity Knocks

Movie #20

Date Released: 3.30.90

Date Watched: 6.8.2020


This movie was a standby for me. Every weekend in my first couple of years of high school, I would sleep over at Bill’s house. We would engage in long bouts of card playing and debauchery, sitting on his porch until the wee hours. Then I’d pop in Opportunity Knocks or Who’s Harry Crumb? In the VCR in his den and I’d fall asleep within minutes or an hour, if I was lucky to get through that much. I have seen this movie many many times and I still love it dearly  (admittedly, there are nostalgic reasons.)

These days, Dana Carvey’s humor in this movie would be considered too racist for the mainstream and I’ll admit I squirmed a bit when he is doing Chinese or Indian accents (I consider this a good sign the times are changing.) He is obviously very talented and also pulls off the character very well. Of course, the plot twists unfold too quickly to carry too much realism, but it is an enjoyable movie and has some genuinely funny parts.

I’d watch it again. And maybe I will as I go to sleep tonight.

Publishing Notes:


Side Out


A Shock To The System